piątek, 13 stycznia 2012

Ale bym nim jeździł: Talbot Solara

Musze się do czegoś przyznać. Nigdy nikomu o tym nie mówiłem: jeździł bym wszystkimi Talbotami na świecie. Jednocześnie. Nie wiem jakbym to zrobił, ale bym zrobił. Mam słabość do Talbotów, jak potwór ciasteczkowy do ciasteczek. Mogę nawet zaśpiewać:

"Now what starts with the letter "T"?
"Talbot" starts with "T"!
Let's think of other things that starts with "T"!
Uh. . .Uh. . . Who cares about da other things?!

"T" is for Talbot that's good enough for me,
"T" is for Talbot that's good enough for me,
"C" is for Talbot that's good enough for me,
Oh! Talbot, Talbot, Talbot starts with "T"!

Hey, You know what? A rusty Horizon without wheels looks like a "T"
Solara parked in Barcelona also looks like a "T" but it is not as good as a Harizon
Oh, and Mr. T looks like  "T" but you can't ride him

"T" is for Talbot that's good enough for me,
"T" is for Talbot that's good enough for me,
"C" is for Talbot that's good enough for me,
Oh! Talbot, Talbot, Talbot starts with "T"!

Link: Co słychać w Barcelonie?

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